He is an artist, just as surely as Rembrandt or any other first-rate portrait painter is one. 他无疑是一名画家,就如同伦勃朗或任何其他一流的肖像画家一样。
I can't help wondering whether the man in the portrait would get suffocated: the painter forgot to paint nostrils for him. 我忍不住怀疑画里的那个人会不会窒息:画家忘了给他画鼻孔。
1802 George Romney, English portrait painter, died at Kendal in Cumbria. 英国肖像画家乔治·罗姆尼在坎布里亚郡的肯达尔去世。
Artists drew the characters that appear in the animated cartoon program. a flattering portrait [ painter] 艺术家们的动画节目中刻画了那些人物,画得比本人[实物]好看的画像[画家]
These are closely related with the status, knowledge and accomplishments of the royal portrait painter, the out-of-office intellectual portrait pain. 而这与宫廷肖像画家、在野文人肖像画家的身份、学识素养以及作品的创作对象有着很大的关联。
She posed for her portrait [ for the painter]. 她为画像而摆姿势[摆姿势给画家画]。
Reminiscences of A Portrait Painter 一个肖像画家的往事回忆
The western plateau school founder, western ink portrait painter. 艺术简介西部高原画派创始人,西部水墨肖像画家。
He is eminent both as a sculptor and as a portrait painter. 他既是着名的雕刻家又是杰出的肖像画家。
Looking at the history of Western painting, we can find that whether the artist is a great landscape painter or a good portrait painter, all of them have painted their self-portraits. 综观西方绘画史,我们不难发现,无论是擅长风景画,还是擅长肖像画的画家,几乎都为自己画过自画像。
An outstanding national minority theme exquisite brush portrait work, cannot leave the painter to the national culture characteristic excavation and to the national culture energetic connotation understanding. 一幅优秀的少数民族题材工笔人物画作品,离不开画家对民族文化特征的挖掘和对民族文化精神内涵的理解。